10on10 has succeeded in strengthening the bond between parents and kids. Parents love to spend time in teaching math to their kids through 10on10 worksheets. 10on10 worksheets have become a synonym for math game to kids. They love them as much as they love games. One of our 10on10 parents contacted the 10on10 customer care and asked if she can have the next month’s worksheet now only. She informed the team that her kid has already finished this month’s worksheets and is asking for more worksheets. It seemed funny but that’s the truth. Kids eagerly wait for the worksheets and love to finish them.
10on10 math program is a fun activity. Kids do not find it boring as studies but playful. They like to learn through various animals and try to solve their problems in the worksheets. One of the 10on10 parents states that, “10on10 worksheets have helped my daughter to understand math in an intuitive manner. She used to cry at the sight of math book but now she is happy to solve her sums and love 10on10 worksheets.”
Kids spend at least 6-7 hours at school and then reach their saturation level. After coming back from school, studying seems like herculean task. But 10on10 math program cannot be compared with normal studying method. It is a 10 minutes fun based activity and kids love fun. They seek for fun in all the activities and dread boring activities. The use of cartoons in worksheets and puzzle created around them makes kids anxious to solve and find out the answers. It gives them a feeling of triumph when they solve the problems, which is missing in other methods of studying.
10on10 math program is an innovative way to teach the numbers to the kids. 10on10 does not use traditional classroom learning styles. Instead, it offers worksheets that are designed to be used at home, based on a “learn by doing” principle. This is the only math learning program that uses a "paper and pencil" approach to register math concepts at a subconscious level.